List of Latest Vocabulary words for IELTS

When you have a great list of vocabulary words while you prepare for your IELTS exam, then you will always strive for high Band score in all the modules of IELTS. Following is a list of the most common words that can be used in your Speaking and Writing modules to make your modules better.


1.      Absolutely – unquestionably / undeniably

2.      Abundance – enough resources / plenty

3.      Access – admittance / entree

4.      Accolades – honors / awards / praises

5.      Accomplish – achieve / complete / finish

6.      Accumulate – amass / gather / collect / hoard

7.      Acquire – obtain / get / gain

8.      Admire – respect / like / appreciate

9.      Adore – love / admire

10.   Adrenalin rush – a sudden surge in energy in a person

11.   Adroit – expert / skillful

12.   Advent – beginning / arrival / start

13.   Adverse – hostile / opposing

14.   Affection – liking / fondness

15.   Ageing – getting old / mature

16.   Aggressive – violent / destructive

17.   Alarming – disturbing / upsetting

18.   Alien – unknown / unfamiliar / strange

19.   All walks of life – from every background / from all backgrounds or age groups

20.   Allied – associated / related / connected

21.   Allure – attract / appeal

22.   Almighty – enormous / massive / huge

23.   Alternatives – replacements / substitutes

24.   Amass – accumulate / collect

25.   Ambitious – determined / striving

26.   Amenities – facilities / services

27.   Ample – enough / plenty / sufficient

28.   Amusement – laughter / enjoyment / delight

29.   Analytical – logical / investigative / diagnostic

30.   Ancestors – decedents / dynasties

31.   Anxiety – nervousness / concerns / worry

32.   Anxious – nervous / worried / concerned

33.   Apolitical – a person who is not political

34.   Apparels – attires / clothes

35.   Appealing – attractive / interesting / tempting

36.   Aptly – appropriately / fittingly / suitably / rightly

37.   Archipelago – is a collection of small islands in an ocean

38.   Ascend – arise / rise

39.   Aromatic – fragrant / perfumed

40.   Array – collection / selection

41.   Aspect – feature / facet / characteristics

42.   Assault – attack / beating

43.   Association - connotation

44.   Assortment – variety / collection / range / mixture

45.   Assure – promise / guarantee / pledge

46.   Astonish – surprise / amaze / astound

47.   Attire – clothing / dress / outfit

48.   Authentic – true / reliable / dependable

49.   Autobiographies – memoires / a self-written life journey

50.   Awe – wonder / admiration / respect

51.   Awestruck – impressed / enthralled / overwhelmed

52.   Backdrop – at the back / background

53.   Bamboozle – confuse / deceive

54.   Bane – curse / misery

55.   Banter – teasing /mockery / joking

56.   Barely – just / hardly / scarcely

57.   Barricades – barriers / hurdles / blockades

58.   Bearable – manageable / tolerable / endurable

59.   Beverage – drink / hot drink / cold drink

60.   Biographies – profiles / memoirs

61.   Blueprint – plan / drawing / design / proposal

62.   Bond – promise / pledge / oath

63.   Boon – benefit / advantage / bonus

64.   Boredom – dullness / monotony

65.   Breakdown- failure / collapse

66.   Breathtaking- magnificent / spectacular

67.   Briefly- fleetingly / momentarily

68.   Brittle- fragile / breakable

69.   Browse- look / glance

70.   Bruise- discoloration / shiner

71.   Bulk- majority / loose

72.   Bump- collision / smash

73.   Bustling- lively / busy

74.   Buzz- crowd / chaos

75.   Bygone – past / previous

76.   Cakewalk – easy / very easy

77.   Candid – straight forward / frank

78.   Catapulted – threw / hurled

79.   Chaos – disorder / confusion

80.   Charity – aid/ contribution

81.   Charming – attractive / appealing 

82.   Cherish – appreciate / relish

83.   Chores – errands / task

84.   Chronologically – historical / sequential

85.   Circulation – flow / movement

86.   Cited – quoted / mentioned

87.   Close quarters – from a close perspective

88.   Coastal – seaside / beach

89.   Coastline – shoreline / seashore

90.   Cognitive – reasoning / intellectual

91.   Colonized – populated / settled

92.   Commemorate – honor / memorialize

93.   Commendable – admirable / worthy

94.   Commercialization - development

95.   Commit – pledge / promise

96.   Commute – travel / shuttle

97.   Compact – compressed / condensed

98.    Complimentary – free / courtesy

99.    Comprise – include / encompass

100. Concession - discount

101. Conscious – aware / mindful

102. Consequences – negative outcome

103. Conceal – hide/ cover

104. Conservation – preservation / maintenance

105. Considerable – substantial / significance

106. Consoled – comforted / supported

107. Constantly – continuously / repeatedly

108. Constellations – gatherings / group

109. Contented – satisfied / pleased

110. Convenience – suitability / ease

111. Converse – opposite / contrary

112. Conviction – belief / opinion

113. Coral reefs – food for marine life

114. Courage – bravery / valor

115. Courtyard – yard / garden

116. Cozy – warm / snug

117. Cram – fill up / pack

118. Cramming – packing / stuffing

119. Cramps – pains / contractions

120. Creek – narrow river / stream

121. Cremate – burn / incinerate

122. Criticism – disapproval / condemnation

123. Cruel – harsh / hard

124. Crunch – critical situation

125. Cuisines – foods / cookeries

126. Curb – control / limit

127. Cure – treatment / therapy

128. Curious – interested / inquisitive

129. Customs – duties / levies

130. Daunting – intimidating / scary

131. Decay – falloff / decline

132. Dedicated – devoted / keen

133. Deed – action / act

134. Delicate – gentle / mild

135. Delicious – tasty / palatable

136. Departed – left from somewhere

137. Dependent – reliant on

138. Depress – reduce / dampen

139. Designation – title / name

140. Desperate – anxious / worried

141. Desperately – badly / urgently

142. Deteriorate – worsen/ decline

143. Determined – strong minded / resolute

144. Detrimental – harmful / damaging

145. Devote – dedicate / offer

146. Dilemma – difficulty / problem

147. Diminishing – lessening / fading

148. Disaster – tragedy / adversity

149. Disintegrating - crumbling

150. Distinctive – different / distinguishing

151. Distracted – unfocussed / sidetrack

152. Diverse – varied / assorted

153. Diversions - changes / deviations

154. Diversity – variety / range

155. Dreadful – terrible / awful

156. Drowsiness – sleepiness / lethargy

157. Dumping – removal / discarding

158. Duplex – double storied house or complex

159. Durable – long lasting / hard wearing

160. Dwarf – short in height

161. Dwell – reside / live

162. Dynamic – lively / active

163. Dynasty – reign / family

164. Eagerly – keenly / excitedly

165. Earthen – clay / mud

166. Echoes – repeats / resonances

167. Efficient – effective / well-organized

168. Elated – overjoyed / delighted

169. Elevate – raise / lift

170. Embarrass – shame / humiliate

171. Embedded – fixed / rooted

172. Eminent – famous / renowned

173. Emissions – releases / discharges

174. Emphasized – highlighted / stressed

175. Empower – authorize / allow

176. Endurable – manageable / tolerable

177. Engage – involve / occupy

178. Enhance – improve / augment

179. Enlarge – increase / expand

180. Enroll – register / join

181. Ensure – safeguard / guarantee

182. Enthusiasm – eagerness / interest

183. Enticing – tempting / alluring

184. Equivalent – equal / comparable

185. Eradicate – eliminate / destroy

186. Erudite – very knowledgeable / expert in a subject or skill

187. Escalate – intensify / heighten

188. Essential – vital / important

189. Establish – found / start

190. Eternal – everlasting / unending

191. Ethics – morals/ beliefs

192. Etiquettes – manners / protocols

193. Euphoric – overjoyed / elated

194. Eventually – finally / ultimately

195. Evolution – development / growth

196. Evolved – changed / advanced

197. Exaggerated – overstated / inflated

198. Except – excluding / bar

199. Excess – extra / additional

200. Excitement – enthusiasm / eagerness

201. Excursion – trip / outing

202. Execute – perform / implement

203. Executed – accomplished / performed

204. Exhaust – consume / drain

205. Exile – outcast / refugee

206. Existence – presence / survival

207. Expect – suppose / assume

208. Expedition – excursion / trip

209. Expenditure - spending

210. Explore – travel / discover

211. Exposure – contact / experience

212. Extensive - widespread

213. Extensively – widely / broadly

214. Extraordinary – unusual / unexpected

215. Exuberant – excited / energetic

216. Fabulous – wonderful / marvelous

217. Façade - front

218. Facet - aspect

219. Fascinate – captivate / attract

220. Fauna - wildlife

221. Features - characteristics

222. Fellow – associated / related

223. Feminine – female / womanly

224. Firm – stable / fixed

225. Flashy – showy / gaudy

226. Flaunt – exhibit / display

227. Flawless – perfect / faultless

228. Flock – group / herd

229. Flora - vegetation

230. Fluffy – cottony / furry

231. Foodie – a person who likes food

232. Forbid – ban / prohibit

233. Forgive – pardon / excuse

234. Forthcoming – approaching / upcoming

235. Fortunate – lucky / privileged

236. Fragile – delicate / brittle

237. Frequency – occurrence / rate

238. Frequently – often / regularly

239. Frustrated – irritated / unsatisfied

240. Fulfilment – completion/ execution

241. Gadgets – devices / appliances

242. Generous – lavish / plentiful

243. Genre – type / kind

244. Genuine – honest / sincere

245. Gesture – sign / signal / hand movements

246. Gigantic – huge / enormous

247. Glittering – sparkling / dazzling

248. Gloomy – dull

249. Grievance – complaint / protest

250. Groceries - foodstuffs

251. Guilty – shamefaced / embarrassed

252. Gust – breeze / strong winds

253. Gymnasium – fitness center

254. Habitat – home / territory

255. Handful – a few

256. Hardcore - dedicated

257. Harmony - agreement

258. Harsh - strict

259. Haste – speed / swiftness

260. Heatstroke – issues arising from extreme hot environment

261. Hectic – frantic / chaotic

262. Heritage – inheritance / legacy

263. Hesitant – uncertain / cautious

264. Highlands – hilltops / uplands

265. Hire – rent / lease

266. Hit the sack – go to sleep / go to bed

267. Hoist – lift / elevator

268. Holistic – overall / rounded

269. Horizon – skyline / limit

270. Hospitality – friendliness / warmth

271. Humble - polite

272. Humid – moist / sticky

273. Humorous – funny / entertaining

274. Humungous – huge / great

275. Hygiene – cleanliness / sanitation

276. Hymns – songs / chants

277. Iconic – major / famous

278. Ideology – philosophy / thought

279. Idle – indolent / free

280. Idol – star / favorite

281. Illiterate – uneducated / unschooled

282. Imitation – fake / mock

283. Immense – huge / vast / enormous

284. Impact – effect / influence

285. Impeccable – perfect / flawless

286. Imperial – grand / majestic

287. Impose – execute / enforce

288. Impression - imprint

289. Imprisoned – confined / captive

290. Inaugurate – initiate / install

291. Incentives - motivations

292. Inclined – tending / persuaded

293. Incredible - unbelievable

294. Inculcate – teach / instruct

295. Incurred – experienced / suffered

296. Indeed – certainly / really

297. Indigenous – native / original

298. Indispensable – essential / crucial

299. Induce – encourage / persuade

300. Industrious – hardworking / diligent

301. Inevitable – unavoidable / predictable

302. Inferior – lesser / lower

303. Inflation – rise / increase

304. Infrastructure - structure

305. Ingredients – elements / components

306. Inhale – gasp / huff

307. Inherit – receive / succeed to

308. Injurious – harmful / damaging

309. Innate – inborn / characteristic

310. Inscribed - adorned

311. Insecurity – uncertainty / diffident

312. Insights – visions / understanding

313. Insomnia – sleeplessness

314. Inspect – examine / check

315. Inspire – motivate / encourage

316. Instance – example / illustration

317. Instant – on the spot / immediate

318. Instrumental – contributory

319. Integral – essential / vital

320. Integration – combination / incorporation

321. Intent – determined / committed

322. Intentionally – purposely / deliberately

323. Interaction – contact / communication

324. Interfere – hinder / inhibit

325. Intimidate – threaten / frighten

326. Introvert – shy / reserved

327. Invade – attack / occupy

328. Invent – discover / create

329. Joyous – jolly / festive

330. Kitchenette – kitchen / pantry

331. Knack – ability / skill

332. Landlocked – surrounded by land / blocked in

333. Landmark – milestone

334. Lane – path / track

335. Laxative - purgative

336. Leaps and bounds

337. Lenient – soft / merciful

338. Lentils – curry food

339. Lethal – deadly / fatal

340. Lethargic – lazy / sluggish

341. Liabilities – obligations / charges

342. Likewise – similarly / equally

343. Literally – actually / factually

344. Littering – throwing waste

345. Long-lasting – lifelong / enduring

346. Loyal – faithful / trustworthy

347. Loyalty – faithfulness / trustworthiness

348. Lure – trap / entice

349. Magnificent – wonderful / brilliant

350. Majestic – royal / grand

351. Mandatory – compulsory / obligatory

352. Maneuver – movement / operation

353. Manifesto – policy / strategy

354. Manned – operated / staffed

355. Manuscripts – documents / copies

356. Marine – sea / aquatic

357. Martyr – sufferer for a cause

358. Marvelous – amazing / wonderful

359. Marvels - geniuses

360. Masculine – male / manly

361. Massive – huge / enormous

362. Medicinal – remedial / therapeutic

363. Melodious – musical / harmonious

364. Menace – threat / danger

365. Merchandise – produce / stock

366. Merchants – wholesalers / dealers

367. Mere – simple / sheer

368. Merrymaking – celebration / partying

369. Mesmerized – fascinated / awestruck

370. Metabolism – digestion / absorption

371. Minimal – slight / negligible

372. Minutest – smallest / miniature

373. Miraculous – unbelievable

374. Miscellaneous – various / mixed

375. Mist – fog / vapor

376. Momentum – thrust / energy

377. Monotony – dullness / boredom

378. Monument – memorial / shrine

379. Myriad – many / innumerable

380. Myth – legend / saga

381. Mythology - tradition

382. Negligent - careless

383. Noble – decent / moral

384. Noteworthy – significant / notable

385. Nuisance - annoyance

386. Obesity - overweightness

387. Occasionally – rarely / irregularly

388. Offspring – children / decedents

389. Often – frequently / repeatedly

390. Optimistic – positive / hopeful

391. Optimum – best / finest

392. Overly – excessively / exceedingly

393. Overtaken – passed / outdone

394. Palatable – edible / pleasant

395. Panic – terror / fear

396. Parallel – equivalent / similar

397. Partial – incomplete / limited

398. Patience – tolerance / endurance

399. Patrol - tour

400. Pedestrians - walkers

401. Penal – severe / strict

402. Perception – insight / awareness

403. Persistent - determined

404. Pessimistic – negative / doubtful

405. Phenomenal – extraordinary / remarkable

406. Pinnacle – highpoint / peak

407. Pleasure – desire / wish

408. Plight - dilemma / difficulty

409. Plume – trail / cloud

410. Ponder – think about / consider

411. Posh – noble / superior

412. Posture - position

413. Potential – probable

414. Potholes – holes / dips

415. Precedent – example / model

416. Precious – valuable / costly

417. Predators – killers / hunters

418. Predict – forecast / foresee

419. Preference – fondness / favorite

420. Premises – buildings / locations

421. Preserve - reserve

422. Prevail – overcome / conquer

423. Prevalent – dominant / widespread

424. Prior – previous / former

425. Priority – importance / significance

426. Prominent - famous

427. Promote – endorse / sponsor

428. Prone – disposed to / inclined to

429. Protest – objection / complaint

430. Publish – print / put out

431. Random – accidental / chance

432. Rapid – fast / quick

433. Rapidly – quickly / swiftly

434. Rare – occasional

435. Recite – perform / rehearse

436. Reckless – irresponsible / thoughtless

437. Reckon – calculate / count

438. Reconciliation – settlement / understanding

439. Refrain - restrict

440. Regulated – planned / controlled

441. Rejuvenate – revive / refresh

442. Rejuvenating – reviving / refreshing

443. Releasing – to leave / freeing

444. Relieve – dismiss / discharge

445. Relish - enjoy / delight

446. Rely – depend upon / count on

447. Remarkable – extraordinary / amazing

448. Remedy – medication / therapy

449. Renowned – famous / well-known

450. Rescue - save

451. Respiratory – breathing

452. Restrict – limit / confine

453. Revenge – retaliation / vengeance

454. Revere – admire / respect

455. Revive – come around / recover

456. Rigorous – hard / difficult

457. Rituals – rites / ceremonies

458. Roam – travel / wander

459. Rushed – hurried / quick

460. Sachet – packet / pouch

461. Sacred – holy / blessed

462. Sanctuary – national preserve / national park

463. Savor – taste / smell

464. Scarcity – shortage / insufficiency

465. Scary – terrifying / frightening

466. Scenario – situation / set up

467. Scorching – roasting

468. Sculptures – statues / figures

469. Sedatives - tranquillizers

470. Segments – sections / parts

471. Segregated – separated / isolated

472. Seize – grab / take hold of

473. Seldom – rarely / occasionally

474. Serene – calm / peaceful

475. Several – numerous / some

476. Severity – cruelty / strictness

477. Shatter – smash / destroy

478. Significance - importance

479. Sinful – bad / evil / wicked

480. Sitcom – series of TV programs

481. Skip – hop / or to leave a step

482. Skyrocketed – shoot up / rise steeply

483. Skyscrapers – high rise buildings / towers

484. Snatch - fetch

485. Snorkeling – swimming / diving

486. Soothing – comforting/ calming

487. Sore – tending / painful

488. Souvenir – memento / reminder

489. Spacious – airy / large / roomy

490. Span – distance / length

491. Species – classes / types

492. Sporty – athletic / muscular

493. Stationary – motionless / still

494. Steer – maneuver / to move

495. Stiff – rigid / firm

496. Stone face – no reaction at all

497. Stray – lost / wandering

498. Stress buster – a thing that gets rid of stress

499. Striking – outstanding / prominent

500. Strive – struggle / try

501. Stroll - wander

502. Subscriptions – contributions / payments

503. Subsidiary – minor / secondary

504. Substantial – considerable / significant

505. Subtle - delicate

506. Succulent – moist / tender

507. Superb – excellent / outstanding

508. Superstitions – delusions / fantasies

509. Supplements – additions / complements

510. Suppress – overpower / conquer

511. Surf – waves / sea

512. Survive – last / endure

513. Suspect – doubtful / suspicious

514. Sustainable – bearable / maintainable

515. Tariff – price / rate

516. Temperate – moderate / mild

517. Tender – loving / caring

518. Terrace – walkway / porch

519. Terrain – land / territory

520. Thick and thin – happiness and sorrows

521. Timid – nervous / fearful

522. Traits – personalities / qualities

523. Tranquil – calm / serene

524. Transition – change / conversion

525. Tremendous – marvelous / great

526. Trigger – start / activate

527. Trivial – small / minor

528. Turf – lawn / grass

529. Twigs – branches / brushwood

530. Typhoon – storm / cyclone

531. Unanimous – common / undisputed

532. Underneath – under / below

533. Undoubtedly – certainly / unquestionably

534. Uninterrupted – continuous / non-stop

535. Unpredictable – random

536. Unwrap – open / undo

537. Up to the mark

538. Utilize – use / employ

539. Vanish – disappear / die out

540. Verdict – decision / judgement

541. Versatile – multipurpose / handy

542. Version – form / type

543. Viable – practical / feasible

544. Vibes – feelings / vibrations

545. Vibrant – lively / exciting 

546. Victim – prey / target

547. Vigil – watch / wake

548. Vigilance – watchfulness / observance

549. Vital – important

550. Vividly – brightly / vibrantly

551. Vouch – promise / vow

552. Voyage – journey / trip

553. Wardrobe – clothing / attire

554. Weird – strange / odd

555. Wicked – good / great

556. Window shopping

557. Wisdom – understanding / insight

558. Witness – observer / bystander

559. Woods – forests

560. Wreckage – debris / remains

561. Yester years – past years / recent years




  1. Really helpful vocabulary and videos.

    Thanks for this

  2. Ohh my God ,its really awwsome..Thanks a ton for such helpful material and videos..

  3. Such a Wonderful blog. Thank you for the thoughts and ideas. Share more
    IELTS Speaking
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