List of Formal and Informal words used in IELTS

                                The Formal Words Of Vocabulary For IELTS | Wabs Talk

List of Formal and Informal words

The informal words are written on the left hand side and the alternatives (formal words) are on the right side.

You must avoid using informal words in IELTS Writing and Speaking at all costs. The use of excessive informal language can result in deduction of IELTS band score in writing and speaking modules.

I will soon be sharing a video explaining how to make sentences using formal words. For now, enjoy the following list of words. 

About – regarding/concerning

Agree with – be bound by

And – as well as

Bearing in mind – reference being made to

Because – due to / as a result of

Begin – commence

But – while/whereas

Careful/ cautious – prudential

Carry out – effect

Check – verify

Enough – Sufficient

Get in touch – contact

Go over – exceed

Has to be – shall be/must be

Have to give – submit

If – should

If……. or not – whether……... or not

If you don’t – failure to

Make sure – ensure

Many – several/numerous

Order – authorize

Pay – settle

Sorry! – we regret

Take away – withdraw

Tell – disclose

Written – shown/indicated

So – therefore

Choose – select

Look for – seek/search

Maybe – perhaps

Say no – reject

Buy – purchase

Help – assist

Start – commence

Mad – insane

Go up – increase/escalate

Tough – difficult

Book – reserve

Sorry – apologize

Tell – inform

Need – require

Ask – request

Check – verify

Get – receive

Very risky – perilous

Very short – brief

Very worried – distressed

Very upset – distraught

Very glad – overjoyed

Very cute – adorable

Very colourful – vibrant

Very shy – timid

Very skinny – skeletal


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